
Mechanism of console display on Horizon

Layout actor IP address Controller Node Compute Node Parameter settings noVNC parameters on Controller Node no parameter? Connection to noVNC service(6080) is proxied to compute node's VNC server. So, task of nova-n…

Output log message in OpenStack

Coding You can add loggin code in any files. At here, I insert loggin code in keystone.service.AdminRouter class. class AdminRouter(wsgi.ComposingRouter): def init(self): LOG.warning('!!!!!THIS IS SAMPLE!!!!!!!!') mapper = routes.Mapper() …

DevStack on Amazon EC2

Layout EC2 instance spec property value Instance type m1.small(1CPU,1.7GB memory) OS Ubuntu Server 12.04 64bit Instance count 1 Step Follow devstack's install step, basically. As default, devstack create OpenStack environment in FlatDHCP n…

Apply iptables rule to bridge interface

Case Linux is running You had created bridge interface as br100 You had created iptables rule to br100 Check If you apply iptables rule to br100, you should check a parameter below. cat /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables If conte…

Security group behavior in FlatDHCP mode

System install I built OpenStack by using devstack. Version is folsom rc1. in Nova, detailed version is "commit 737ca6e7ecdfa9ffd6744e1e1a54c53c4c897d83" on folsom trunk. Test VM A ping to VM B. Condition factor is tenant, host, security g…

sequence graph for create volume

source URL:https://github.com/openstack/nova/tree/master/nova/volume